Vaccines and Relatives – Don’t Engage

pile-of-presentsThe holidays are upon us and for the next few weeks, everyone will be focused on shopping, wrapping, family and friends. We have just been through a brutal political election “season,” filled with strong opinions and hot emotions. Heading off to visit relatives can lead to another equally hot and divisive topic: vaccination.

If you have a baby or a toddler, the vaccine topic can bring out the best – and the worst – discussions. If you are with friends and family that share your views about the problems caused by vaccines, you can chat for hours,

You can angrily share stories of your friend’s vaccine injured child or grandchild. You can spout off information about how vaccines do not protect you from getting sick – citing the mumps outbreaks, pertussis outbreaks and more. You can rattle off the harmful vaccine ingredients – aluminum, mercury, polysorbate 80, animal DNA, aborted fetal cells, and more. You can roll your eyes with like-mined adult friends about the horrors of so many vaccines – 46 doses of 16 different vaccines now part of the pediatric schedule. You can worry together about the looming adult vaccine mandates. You can share your opinions of VAXXED, the Movie and the heartbreaking video testimonials the VAXXED bus has collected across the country. You can talk about the Scream of the Week and the more than 7,000 articles you regularly read and share from the You can talk confidently about how egregious the vaccine industry really is.

But what if your family and friends are not on “your side.” What if they are totally pro-vaccine…and they interrogate you about your decisions to not vaccinate? What if they challenge the choices you have made to keep your child healthy – without vaccines.

What should you do?

First, ask yourself this question: Why do you feel compelled to engage? Is it really necessary to defend your decision? The choice is only be between you and your spouse, and perhaps your doctor and your Heavenly Maker. Your decisions regarding your child’s prevention program – taking vitamins, using homeopathy, avoiding sugar, getting adequate sleep, appropriate hand washing – is actually no one’s business.

Unless you really want a fight, don’t engage. You can say, “S/he has all the vaccines s/he needs!” Make light of the question and move on. Change the subject. You’re unvaccinated child is more likely very bright, healthy and happy. Move the focus away from shots to the presents under the tree. Know that you’ve decided what is in the best interest of your child.

If you firmly believe zero vaccines are necessary, you have told the truth! There’s no reason to get your stomach twisted into a knot and worry if you have all the pertinent facts to answer every interrogation. If you’ve done your homework and you feel confident about your decision, that’s all you need. Don’t try to convince anyone about your choices. Be strong in your commitments. YOU are responsible for that little person and your decisions are key to their future.

Don’t allow yourself to be bullied. Even by your well-meaning sister or mother-in-law.

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