While treatment for HIV infection and AIDS has dramatically improved over the last 30 years, it is no substitute for prevention. Current HIV medications are very expensive, and there are also many side effects. Sometimes people develop drug resistance and have to change the regimen of pills they take. Access
Vitamin K is necessary for appropriate coagulation. Its name is derived from the German word “koagulation.” Without adequate vitamin K, the blood may not appropriately stop bleeding in the event of an injury. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that all newborns receive an injection of vitamin K. Vitamin K Package Insert (United
In the 1970s, Alfred Sommer, MD, MHS, began working with communities in Indonesia, giving vitamin A deficient children a supplement to help stave off vision problems. As Dr. Sommer and his colleagues conducted the trial, they also made a very interesting observation: children who were being given vitamin A supplements
Hepatitis C is one of several viruses that can cause viral hepatitis. The virus is unrelated to the other common causes hepatitis, hepatitis A and B viruses. There are at least six different hepatitis C genotypes or strains. Genotyping is used to guide treatment because some hepatitis C genotypes need
Respiratory syncytial virus, referred to as RSV, is a common and very contagious virus that infects most children before their second birthday. For most babies and young children, the infection is nothing more than a common cold – with cough and runny nose – which usually lasts 1-2 weeks. In a
Ebola is a virus that interferes with how blood clots. It is in the family of viruses known as hemorrhagic fever viruses because the clotting problems lead to internal bleeding causing blood to leak from small blood vessels in your body. Five different species of the virus have been identified.
Avian contaminants are viruses from chickens and birds, and particles of egg proteins that are found in vaccines. September 30, 2019 – Clinical trials with GMO-containing vaccines in Europe: Status and regulatory framework “The possibility to genetically modify micro-organisms to bring immunogenic material (antigens/epitopes) to the human (or animal) immune system to provoke an
PER.C6 Cell line The heart of the technology is the PER.C6 human cell line. This is a continuously dividing set of cells derived from a single human retina cell, immortalized using recombinant DNA technology. Like other continuous cell lines, PER.C6 cells can replicate indefinitely—but that is where the comparison ends. PER.C6 Technology
HeLa cells are the oldest and most commonly used human cell line used in making human research. Henrietta Lacks died in 1951 of an aggressive adenocarcinoma of the cervix. A tissue biopsy obtained for diagnostic evaluation yielded additional tissue for Dr. George O. Gey’s tissue culture laboratory at Johns Hopkins University. The cells, called
TwinRix TwinRix Package Insert VAERS Database for HepB+HepA November 6, 2019 Approval Letter – KINRIX Approval History, Letters, Reviews, and Related Documents – KINRIX Supporting Documents older than three years – KINRIX November 28, 2019 – Aluminum granuloma in a child secondary to DTaP‐IPV vaccination: A case report “To our